E-selectin expression was observed in endothelial cells in the vulnerable plaque group of CEA-taken care of sufferers
Investigation of serial changes in cytokines, endothelial activation, and inflammatory markers (Figure 1). Numerous had...
Investigation of serial changes in cytokines, endothelial activation, and inflammatory markers (Figure 1). Numerous had...
Clotrimazole is an antifungal imidazole derivative which has been applied in clinic for additional than...
The mice utilized in our research had been taken care of according to the rules...
We utilized Con A as stimuli to promote cytokine secretion in mouse splenocytes. Then the...
Recent observations have proven that NK cell capabilities in mice are strongly influenced by their...
Determine two. Vascular leakage in retinal lesions of NRV2 mice during postnatal progress. Fluorescein angiography...
For protein separation, samples were blended with Laemmli sample buffer with or with no 200...
To research the subcellular localization of core and E2, we made Flag-E2-tagged variants of two...
For stream cytometric analyses, EBs were dissociated right away in one mg/ml collagenase B (Roche)...
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