Ior of both forms of tills tends to be by the
Ior of both kinds of tills tends to be by the Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions behavior of each sorts of tills tends to be close to smectite clay minerals. close to smectite clay minerals.Figure 1. Plasticity chart showing clay tills in southern Saskatchewan (data from Sauer et al. [3]). Figure 1. Plasticity chart displaying clay tills in southern Saskatchewan (information from Sauer et al. [3]).3. Study Methodology three. Research Methodology The till samples had been obtained from aasurface deposit at Belle Plaine, Saskatchewan, The till samples had been obtained from surface deposit at Belle Plaine, Saskatchewan, Canada. The materials have been collected in in20 L bucket, sealed with polythene wrap to preCanada. The materials were collected a a 20 L bucket, sealed with polythene wrap to vent water loss,loss, and brought togeoengineering laboratory in the University of Regina prevent water and brought for the the geoengineering laboratory in the University of Re as peras per ASTM D4220/D4220M-14 [38]. The soil was air-dried at a temperature of 21 gina ASTM D4220/D4220M-14 [38]. The soil was air-dried at a temperature of 21 C, the chunks chunks have been brokenand visible coarse particles had been removed. The remainder of , the had been broken down, down, and visible coarse particles had been removed. The remainthe materialmaterial was pulverizedoversizedoversized (coarsermm) particles discarded. der of your was pulverized and the and the (coarser than four.75 than 4.75 mm) particles Pulverization was accomplished byachieved by gently breaking down the material employing a mandiscarded. Pulverization was gently breaking down the material utilizing a manual grinder to make sure thatto make sure that the natural sizes ofgrains are usually not altered. The index properties ual grinder the organic sizes from the individual the person grains are not altered. The have been determined had been determinedfollowing ASTM following ASTM PX-478 manufacturer methods: (i) (Gs ) by index properties in accordance with the in accordance with the methods: (i) distinct gravity specific ASTM D854-14 [39]; (ii) D854-14 [39]; (ii) grain (GSD) by ASTM D422-63(2007) [40]; and gravity (Gs) by ASTM grain size distribution size distribution (GSD) by ASTM D422(iii) liquid limit (wl ), plastic limit (wp ), and plasticity index (Ip ) by ASTM D4318-17e1 [41]. 63(2007) [40]; and (iii) liquid limit (wl), plastic limit (wp), and plasticity index (Ip) by ASTM The soil was classified working with the ASTM D2487-17e1 [42]. The ASTM D2216-19 [43] was D4318-17e1 [41]. The soil was classified working with the ASTM D2487-17e1 [42]. The ASTM utilized for all soil properties requiring the determination of water content material. This method makes use of D2216-19 [43] was utilized for all soil properties requiring the determination of water conoven drying of materials at 105 five C, which does not have an effect on the grain size distribution of tent. This approach uses oven drying of supplies at 105 five , which does not have an effect on the sedimentary soils. grain size distribution of sedimentary soils. The mineral composition was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis employing The mineral composition was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) evaluation applying a diffractometer (Bruker D4 Endeavor) Ziritaxestat Autophagy equipped having a monochromatic incident beam a diffractometer (Bruker D4 Endeavor) equipped having a monochromatic incident beam (Co K-alpha) at 35 kV and 40 mA. To separate coarse particles from clay aggregates, a soil (Co K-alpha) at 35 kV and 40 mA. To separate coarse particles from clay aggregates, a soil sample (2.5 g) finer than 0.075 mm was dispersed employing sodi.