Lic BTZ-043 wildtype and mutant replicating parasites at 24, 36 and 48 hours post invasion in Huh-7 cells. The diameter of the circles represents the relative number of replicating parasites observed per coverslip, where the wildtype circle at 24 hour represent 100 and all other circles are deduced (wildtype = 1300?500 and Dp52 p36 = 20?0 replicating parasites per coverslip at 24 hours post infection. Absolute numbers are depicted in Table S1 B) UIS-4 and HSP70 expression on an intranuclear P. berghei parasite 44 25033180 hours post infection (Bar = 10 mm). C) MSP-1 expression on intranuclear (Dp52 p36) and cytocolic (wildtype) P. berghei parasites 52 hours post infection (Bar = 10 mm). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050772.gparasites (n = 498) were negative for peripheral UIS-4 staining at any time point starting from early liver infection onwards (6?2 hour post invasion) (Fig. 2b). Using transmission electron microscopy at 32 hours post infection, we observed cytosolic wildtype parasites demarked by a surrounding PV and PVM, while, in contrast, both PV and PVM could not be detected in Dp52 p36 parasites (Fig. 2c). Thus, Dp52 p36 parasites replicating in the cytosol expressed MSP1, but lacked an apparent PVM.(Fig. S2). The mean difference in day of patency between Dp52 p36 and wildtype parasites i.e. 5.9 versus 2.4 days post injection respectively, likely reflects the difference in number of viable merozoites injected. These data show that Dp52 p36 parasites, developing in Huh-7 hepatocytes in the absence of an apparent PVM, are capable of maturing into infectious merozoites.DiscussionHere we show that a proportion of P. berghei Dp52 p36 parasites can develop in Huh-7 hepatocytes in the apparent absence of a PVM and fully mature into merozoites. Merozoites derived from an in vitro Dp52 p36 hepatocyte culture were infectious and lead to a blood stage infection in mice. Our data question the absolute necessity for the presence of a PVM for intrahepatic P. berghei development. Although all observed replicating Dp52 p36 parasites herein (approximately 900 by immunofluorescence) develop free of PVM inside the hepatocytes, one cannot formally exclude the possibilityHepatocyte Derived Dp52 p36 Merozoites are able to Induce a Blood Stage InfectionWe next tested whether Dp52 p36 parasites developing into merozoites were capable of infecting erythrocytes. Therefore, supernatants of Dp52 p36 and wildtype infected Huh-7 cells, collected 65 hours post infection, were injected i.v in C57BL/6 mice (Table 1). All mice injected with culture supernatant became patent with blood stage parasitemia as determined by thick smear. Genotyping of blood parasites confirmed the Dp52 p36 genotypeCytosolic Dp52 p36 P. berghei Lack Apparent PVMFigure 2. Cytosolic developing Dp52 p36 P. berghei parasites lack an apparent PVM. A) MSP-1 expression on cytosolic wildtype and Dp52 p36 P. berghei parasites 52 hours post infection (Bar = 10 mm). B) UIS-4 and HSP70 expression on cytosolic Dp52 p36 and wildtype P. berghei parasites at 6?2 hours post infection (Bar = 10 mm). C) Electron microscopic analysis of cytosolic wildtype (upper row) and Dp52 p36 (lower row) parasites, 32 hours post hepatocyte infection. The inset boxes show higher magnifications of the boxed areas within the overview images. IMC, inner membrane complex; Ly lysosome; NE, Nuclear envelope; PPM, parasite plasma membrane; PV, parasitophorous vacuole; PVM, parasitophorous vacuole membrane; Rh, rhoptry (Bar = 10 mm). doi:10.1371.