Drogen bond interaction with the side-chain of Thr394. Docosahexaenoyl ethanolamide site Circular dichroism experiments confirmed that the circularly permuted protein is folded and contains similar ratios of secondary structural elements as the pwtSAP97 PDZ2 in our experimental conditions (Figure 2A).50 mM potassium phosphate pH 7.5 by varying the urea concentration and measuring the fluorescence of the single tryptophan (Trp342) present in the respective protein (Figure 2B). The equilibrium constants were obtained by fitting the data to the general equation for solvent denaturation of a protein according to a two-state mechanism [24], since the denaturation curves displayed a simple sigmoidal transition with no evidence for intermediate states populated at equilibrium. Since the two proteins have very similar sequence and overall fold, the mD-N value, which reflects the change in solvent accessible surface area on denaturation, can be shared in the fitting process. The data show that the circular permutation has decreased the stability of the protein from 4.760.03 to 2.460.09 kcal/mol (Table 2).The cpSAP97 PDZ2 Retains Binding to the Wild Type LigandFrom kinetic binding experiments, SAP97 PDZ2 is known to bind to a peptide, LQRRRETQV, generated from the C-terminus of the human papillomavirus 18 (HPV-18) E6 protein [23]. We showed that cpSAP97 PDZ2 retains its binding to this peptide (Figure 2C and D) by measuring the fluorescence change from Trp342 upon binding, using the stopped flow technique. The association rate constant, kon, was one-third of that of the pwt SAP97 PDZ2, whereas the dissociation rate constant, koff, remained essentially unchanged, as determined from a separate displacement experiment [23] (Table 2).The Circular Permutation Reduces the Stability of the ProteinTo compare the thermodynamic stability of the pwt- and cpSAP97 PDZ2 we did equilibrium denaturation experiments in Table 1. Data collection and refinement statistics.Data collection statistics ?Wavelength (A) Space group Cell dimensions ?a, b, c (A) a, b, c (u) ?Resolution (A)1 Rmerge ( ) I/s(I) Completeness ( ) Redundancy Refinement statistics Unique reflections (test set) Rwork/Rfree ( ) Molecules/asymmetric unit Number of atoms Protein Water Other Average B factors Protein Water Other ?RMSD from ideal bond length (A) RMSD from ideal bond angle (u) Ramachandran plot statistics Residues in favoured regions ( ) Residues in additional allowed regions ( ) Residues in disallowed regions ( )0.8726 CObserved Folding Rate Constants are Consistent with a Multi-step MechanismHaving demonstrated that the structure and 1407003 function of the cpSAP97 PDZ2 were intact, we investigated its folding pathway. Folding kinetics can be studied in urea-induced MedChemExpress Rubusoside unfolding experiments, and buffer-induced refolding experiments in the stopped flow fluorimeter, using the same tryptophan probe (Trp342) as in the binding experiments. Kinetic traces were biphasic, both for the refolding and unfolding reactions, resulting in two observed rate constants (kobs). The observed refolding phases were independent of protein concentration at low urea concentration within a range of 0.2? mM, thus excluding protein aggregation events. By plotting the kobs value against the urea concentration on a semi- logarithmic scale a chevron plot is generated. In Figure 3, the chevron plot from the experiments in 50 mM potassium phosphate, pH 7.5 at various urea concentrations is shown, both for pwt- and cpSAP97 PDZ2. When double exponential (un)foldin.Drogen bond interaction with the side-chain of Thr394. Circular dichroism experiments confirmed that the circularly permuted protein is folded and contains similar ratios of secondary structural elements as the pwtSAP97 PDZ2 in our experimental conditions (Figure 2A).50 mM potassium phosphate pH 7.5 by varying the urea concentration and measuring the fluorescence of the single tryptophan (Trp342) present in the respective protein (Figure 2B). The equilibrium constants were obtained by fitting the data to the general equation for solvent denaturation of a protein according to a two-state mechanism [24], since the denaturation curves displayed a simple sigmoidal transition with no evidence for intermediate states populated at equilibrium. Since the two proteins have very similar sequence and overall fold, the mD-N value, which reflects the change in solvent accessible surface area on denaturation, can be shared in the fitting process. The data show that the circular permutation has decreased the stability of the protein from 4.760.03 to 2.460.09 kcal/mol (Table 2).The cpSAP97 PDZ2 Retains Binding to the Wild Type LigandFrom kinetic binding experiments, SAP97 PDZ2 is known to bind to a peptide, LQRRRETQV, generated from the C-terminus of the human papillomavirus 18 (HPV-18) E6 protein [23]. We showed that cpSAP97 PDZ2 retains its binding to this peptide (Figure 2C and D) by measuring the fluorescence change from Trp342 upon binding, using the stopped flow technique. The association rate constant, kon, was one-third of that of the pwt SAP97 PDZ2, whereas the dissociation rate constant, koff, remained essentially unchanged, as determined from a separate displacement experiment [23] (Table 2).The Circular Permutation Reduces the Stability of the ProteinTo compare the thermodynamic stability of the pwt- and cpSAP97 PDZ2 we did equilibrium denaturation experiments in Table 1. Data collection and refinement statistics.Data collection statistics ?Wavelength (A) Space group Cell dimensions ?a, b, c (A) a, b, c (u) ?Resolution (A)1 Rmerge ( ) I/s(I) Completeness ( ) Redundancy Refinement statistics Unique reflections (test set) Rwork/Rfree ( ) Molecules/asymmetric unit Number of atoms Protein Water Other Average B factors Protein Water Other ?RMSD from ideal bond length (A) RMSD from ideal bond angle (u) Ramachandran plot statistics Residues in favoured regions ( ) Residues in additional allowed regions ( ) Residues in disallowed regions ( )0.8726 CObserved Folding Rate Constants are Consistent with a Multi-step MechanismHaving demonstrated that the structure and 1407003 function of the cpSAP97 PDZ2 were intact, we investigated its folding pathway. Folding kinetics can be studied in urea-induced unfolding experiments, and buffer-induced refolding experiments in the stopped flow fluorimeter, using the same tryptophan probe (Trp342) as in the binding experiments. Kinetic traces were biphasic, both for the refolding and unfolding reactions, resulting in two observed rate constants (kobs). The observed refolding phases were independent of protein concentration at low urea concentration within a range of 0.2? mM, thus excluding protein aggregation events. By plotting the kobs value against the urea concentration on a semi- logarithmic scale a chevron plot is generated. In Figure 3, the chevron plot from the experiments in 50 mM potassium phosphate, pH 7.5 at various urea concentrations is shown, both for pwt- and cpSAP97 PDZ2. When double exponential (un)foldin.