Avorable Ation on lipid-free apoA-I in a concentration-dependent manner (Table 2). Methylglyoxal- and interaction with SWCNT with smaller steric effects in the middle of peptide. Therefore, for SWCNT, the other hydrophobic residues with Table 1. Contents of different b-sheet sizes for 4 or 8 peptides with or without C60 in the last 50 ns simulations.aliphatic side chain such as I26 and L27 also have a significant role as Figure 8 shows. In a recent work [16], Li et al also observed that carbon nanotube could inhibit the formation of b-sheet-rich oligomers of the Alzheimer’s amyloid-b(16?2) peptide through the hydrophobic and p stacking interactions. However, the binding affinity of C60 for IAPP22?8 peptides is much lower, and both aromatic and other hydrophobic residues have smaller contribution than that in graphene and SWCNT systems. This may be due to the small size of C60, whose limited surface area makes it can only contact with a few residues and the contact numbers are nearly equal (about 100) in both systems (Figure 7). It is well known that the surfaces of three kinds of carbon nanomaterials, graphene/SWCNT/C60, are hydrophobic. Then the hydrophobic residues of peptides should be much easier to be adsorbed than the hydrophilic ones. In our study, most residues in IAPP22?8 fragment are hydrophobic, so the interactions Title Loaded From File between these hydrophobic residues and NPs including hydrophobic interactions and p stacking interactions may be important for the inhibition of IAPP22?8 aggregation by weakening the hydrophobic interactions between peptides (Figure 10). It has been reported that the p stacking interactions between the aromatic residues and carbon-based NP play an important role inb-sheet size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Tetramer ( ) 0 0.44 2.09 97.47 / / / /4 Pep+C60 ( ) 0.06 73.74 26.20 0 / / / /Octamer ( ) 0 0.01 0.01 0.12 6.41 8.19 67.50 17.8 Pep+C60 ( ) 0 0.06 3.17 0.42 15.02 81.04 0.15 0.The largest percentage of each system is shown in bold. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065579.tFigure 10. Contact map between the side chains of hydrophobic residues in different chains for each system. Only the last 50 ns trajectories are considered. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065579.gInfluence of Nanoparticle on Amyloid Formationthe interaction between proteins and the nanomaterials both from the results of simulation [57?1] and experiments [62,63]. However, our results show that the three NPs have different hydrophobic and p stacking interactions, further lead to differing effects on the formation of b-sheet-rich oligomers. Obviously, the different surface curvatures of these carbon NPs may play a significant role in the different results, and the difference of surface areas is also an important factor. Therefore, although graphene, SWCNT, and C60 have similar chemical composition, the different surface curvature and area will affect their interaction with proteins or peptides, especially the interactions with aromatic residues.simulation method can be regarded as an effective approach to explore the toxicity and safety of nanomaterials when they enter human body.Supporting InformationFigure S1 The initial configuration of each system. Each model is shown in two different viewpoints, and the periodic boundary is shown as a 23977191 solid box in blue. The NPs and peptides are shown as sticks (green) and cartoon (white represents coil), respectively. (TIF) Table S1 Detailed information for the initial configuration of each system. (PDF) Text S1 Coordinates of C60.ConclusionsIn this work, we simulated disordered tetramer and octamer of hIAPP22?8 without or wi.Avorable interaction with SWCNT with smaller steric effects in the middle of peptide. Therefore, for SWCNT, the other hydrophobic residues with Table 1. Contents of different b-sheet sizes for 4 or 8 peptides with or without C60 in the last 50 ns simulations.aliphatic side chain such as I26 and L27 also have a significant role as Figure 8 shows. In a recent work [16], Li et al also observed that carbon nanotube could inhibit the formation of b-sheet-rich oligomers of the Alzheimer’s amyloid-b(16?2) peptide through the hydrophobic and p stacking interactions. However, the binding affinity of C60 for IAPP22?8 peptides is much lower, and both aromatic and other hydrophobic residues have smaller contribution than that in graphene and SWCNT systems. This may be due to the small size of C60, whose limited surface area makes it can only contact with a few residues and the contact numbers are nearly equal (about 100) in both systems (Figure 7). It is well known that the surfaces of three kinds of carbon nanomaterials, graphene/SWCNT/C60, are hydrophobic. Then the hydrophobic residues of peptides should be much easier to be adsorbed than the hydrophilic ones. In our study, most residues in IAPP22?8 fragment are hydrophobic, so the interactions between these hydrophobic residues and NPs including hydrophobic interactions and p stacking interactions may be important for the inhibition of IAPP22?8 aggregation by weakening the hydrophobic interactions between peptides (Figure 10). It has been reported that the p stacking interactions between the aromatic residues and carbon-based NP play an important role inb-sheet size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Tetramer ( ) 0 0.44 2.09 97.47 / / / /4 Pep+C60 ( ) 0.06 73.74 26.20 0 / / / /Octamer ( ) 0 0.01 0.01 0.12 6.41 8.19 67.50 17.8 Pep+C60 ( ) 0 0.06 3.17 0.42 15.02 81.04 0.15 0.The largest percentage of each system is shown in bold. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065579.tFigure 10. Contact map between the side chains of hydrophobic residues in different chains for each system. Only the last 50 ns trajectories are considered. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065579.gInfluence of Nanoparticle on Amyloid Formationthe interaction between proteins and the nanomaterials both from the results of simulation [57?1] and experiments [62,63]. However, our results show that the three NPs have different hydrophobic and p stacking interactions, further lead to differing effects on the formation of b-sheet-rich oligomers. Obviously, the different surface curvatures of these carbon NPs may play a significant role in the different results, and the difference of surface areas is also an important factor. Therefore, although graphene, SWCNT, and C60 have similar chemical composition, the different surface curvature and area will affect their interaction with proteins or peptides, especially the interactions with aromatic residues.simulation method can be regarded as an effective approach to explore the toxicity and safety of nanomaterials when they enter human body.Supporting InformationFigure S1 The initial configuration of each system. Each model is shown in two different viewpoints, and the periodic boundary is shown as a 23977191 solid box in blue. The NPs and peptides are shown as sticks (green) and cartoon (white represents coil), respectively. (TIF) Table S1 Detailed information for the initial configuration of each system. (PDF) Text S1 Coordinates of C60.ConclusionsIn this work, we simulated disordered tetramer and octamer of hIAPP22?8 without or wi.