Message and to construct a set of possible candidates for the original graph. The smaller the number of candidates, the more information about the original network has been transferred. This algorithm runs in (E )37. Label propagation.This algorithm was Doravirine biological activity introduced by Raghavan et al.38. It assumes that each node in the network is assigned to the same community as the majority of its neighbours. This algorithm starts with initialising a distinct label (community) for each node in the network. Then, the nodes in the network are listed in a random sequential order. Afterwards, through the sequence, each node takes the label of the majority of its neighbours. The above step will stop once each node has the same label as the majority of its neighbours. The computational complexity of label propagation algorithm is (E )38.Leading eigenvector. This algorithm was proposed by Newman39. The heart of this algorithm is the spectral optimisation of modularity by using the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the modularity matrix. First, the leading eigenvector of the modularity matrix is calculated, and then the graph is split into two parts in a way that modularity improvement is maximised based on the leading eigenvector. After that, the modularity contribution is calculated at each step in the subdivision of a network. It stops once the value of the modularity contribution is not positive. Its computational complexity of each graph bipartition is (N (E + N )), or (N 2) on a sparse graph40. Multilevel.This algorithm was introduced by Blondel et al.25. It is a different greedy approach for optimising the modularity with respect to the Fastgreedy method. This method first assigns a different community to each node of the network, then a node is moved to the community of one of its neighbours with which it achieves the highest positive contribution to modularity. The above step is PD173074 solubility repeated for all nodes until no further improvement can be achieved. Then each community is considered as a single node on its own and the second step is repeated until there is only a single node left or when the modularity can’t be increased in a single step. The computational complexity of the Multilevel algorithm is (N log N )40.Spinglass. This algorithm was first proposed by Reichardt Bornholdt41. It is based on the Potts model42. The basic principle of the method is that edges should connect nodes of the same spin state (community, in theScientific RepoRts | 6:30750 | DOI: 10.1038/ context), whereas nodes of different states (belonging to different communities) should be disconnected. Therefore, the aim of this algorithm is to find the ground state of a spin glass model with a Potts Hamiltonian. Simulated annealing43 has been used to minimise the system’s free energy44. In a sparse graph, the computational complexity of this algorithm is approximately (N 3.2)45.Walktrap. This algorithm was proposed by Pon Latapy46. It is a hierarchical clustering algorithm. The basic idea of this method is that short distance random walks tend to stay in the same community. Starting from a totally non-clustered partition, the distances between all adjacent nodes are computed. Then, two adjacent communities are chosen, they are merged into a new one and the distances between communities are updated. This step is repeated (N – 1) times, thus the computational complexity of this algorithm is (E N 2). For sparse networks the computational.Message and to construct a set of possible candidates for the original graph. The smaller the number of candidates, the more information about the original network has been transferred. This algorithm runs in (E )37. Label propagation.This algorithm was introduced by Raghavan et al.38. It assumes that each node in the network is assigned to the same community as the majority of its neighbours. This algorithm starts with initialising a distinct label (community) for each node in the network. Then, the nodes in the network are listed in a random sequential order. Afterwards, through the sequence, each node takes the label of the majority of its neighbours. The above step will stop once each node has the same label as the majority of its neighbours. The computational complexity of label propagation algorithm is (E )38.Leading eigenvector. This algorithm was proposed by Newman39. The heart of this algorithm is the spectral optimisation of modularity by using the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the modularity matrix. First, the leading eigenvector of the modularity matrix is calculated, and then the graph is split into two parts in a way that modularity improvement is maximised based on the leading eigenvector. After that, the modularity contribution is calculated at each step in the subdivision of a network. It stops once the value of the modularity contribution is not positive. Its computational complexity of each graph bipartition is (N (E + N )), or (N 2) on a sparse graph40. Multilevel.This algorithm was introduced by Blondel et al.25. It is a different greedy approach for optimising the modularity with respect to the Fastgreedy method. This method first assigns a different community to each node of the network, then a node is moved to the community of one of its neighbours with which it achieves the highest positive contribution to modularity. The above step is repeated for all nodes until no further improvement can be achieved. Then each community is considered as a single node on its own and the second step is repeated until there is only a single node left or when the modularity can’t be increased in a single step. The computational complexity of the Multilevel algorithm is (N log N )40.Spinglass. This algorithm was first proposed by Reichardt Bornholdt41. It is based on the Potts model42. The basic principle of the method is that edges should connect nodes of the same spin state (community, in theScientific RepoRts | 6:30750 | DOI: 10.1038/ context), whereas nodes of different states (belonging to different communities) should be disconnected. Therefore, the aim of this algorithm is to find the ground state of a spin glass model with a Potts Hamiltonian. Simulated annealing43 has been used to minimise the system’s free energy44. In a sparse graph, the computational complexity of this algorithm is approximately (N 3.2)45.Walktrap. This algorithm was proposed by Pon Latapy46. It is a hierarchical clustering algorithm. The basic idea of this method is that short distance random walks tend to stay in the same community. Starting from a totally non-clustered partition, the distances between all adjacent nodes are computed. Then, two adjacent communities are chosen, they are merged into a new one and the distances between communities are updated. This step is repeated (N – 1) times, thus the computational complexity of this algorithm is (E N 2). For sparse networks the computational.