M glass homogenizer. The homogenate was centrifuged at 8000 g for 10 minutes at 4uC. Subsequently, the pellet was resuspended in STE1 buffer and centrifuged at 700 g for 10 minutes at 4uC. The pellet was discarded and the supernatant was centrifuged at 8000 g for 10 minutes at 4uC. The final mitochondrial pellet was diluted in STE1 buffer to a final concentration of 0.1 mg/ml.LC/MS for in vivo samplesThe mitochondrial fraction was sonicated for 5 Clavulanic acid potassium salt chemical information seconds with maximum speed in an ice bath then stirred for 30 seconds. The sonication and stirring were repeated six times. The concentrations of MitoCEHC (8) in the collected samples were simultaneously measured against a six-point concentration standard curve (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 mg/ml) using LC/MS [47]. Samples (mitochondrial fraction and plasma) and standard controls were then analyzed on the LC/MS, University of Utah Department of Chemistry. The analysis was performed by MassLynx Mass Spectrometry software (Waters Corp, Milford, MA).Results and DiscussionEven though mitochondria are the primary source of cellular energy, they are also the major source of ROS [48]. Therefore mitochondrial dysfunction has been under investigation more than any other organelle due to their vulnerability to oxidative damageCell Culture and ROS MeasurementBovine Aortic Endothelial Cells (BAECs, Cambrex BioScience, Walkersville, MD) were grown as monolayers in DMEMSynthesis of Mitochondrially Targeted Alpha-CEHCFigure 1. Solid phase synthesis of MitoCEHC (8). Reagents and conditions: a) 20 piperidine, DMF. b) Fmoc-Lys[Mtt]-OH, HBTU, HOBt, DIPEA, DMF. c) 20 piperidine, DMF. d) (3-carboxyproppyl)TPP+, HBTU, HOBt, DIPEA, DMF. e) 94 DCM, 5 Tis, 1 TFA. f) a-CEHC, HBTU, HOBt, DIPEA, DMF. g) 95 TFA, 2.5 water, 2.5 Tis. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053272.gand their contribution to apoptosis [49]. As a result of limited therapeutic accumulation within mitochondria [29,30,50], targeting the mitochondria with antioxidants or therapeutics has been a major interest especially for cardiovascular disease and cancer [14,51]. Small molecules can permeate through the mitochondrial outer membrane but fail to cross the inner membrane. Taking advantage of the high inner membrane potential gradient, lipophilic cations can easily accumulate within the mitochondria as well as permeate the phospholipid bilayers [29]. Vitamin E conjugated to TPP+ can accumulate into the mitochondria, whereit decreases ROS more effectively than vitamin E alone [31,52], and is able to ameliorate oxidative stress-mediated disease [15,16]. While conjugating vitamin E to TPP+ has been previously described [53], our goal was to 374913-63-0 chemical information conjugate the vitamin E metabolite, a-CEHC, to TPP+ and to design a fast and efficient synthetic method using a lysine linker and solid phase synthesis. This method does not require isolation of synthetic intermediates, while reagents and by-products are washed away after each step. In addition, similar to trolox, a-CEHC contains the a-tocopherol ring structure but have a truncated side chain with one carbonSynthesis of Mitochondrially Targeted Alpha-CEHClonger than trolox [38]. The chroman ring of vitamin E becomes redox active at the mitochondria, where it forms semiquinone after detoxifying a free radical via hydrogen donation. The semiquinone is further reduced by intramitochondrial ascorbic acid or by electron donation [54]. The chroman ring is still intact in aCEHC when conjugated to TPP+. A lysine linker with two protect.M glass homogenizer. The homogenate was centrifuged at 8000 g for 10 minutes at 4uC. Subsequently, the pellet was resuspended in STE1 buffer and centrifuged at 700 g for 10 minutes at 4uC. The pellet was discarded and the supernatant was centrifuged at 8000 g for 10 minutes at 4uC. The final mitochondrial pellet was diluted in STE1 buffer to a final concentration of 0.1 mg/ml.LC/MS for in vivo samplesThe mitochondrial fraction was sonicated for 5 seconds with maximum speed in an ice bath then stirred for 30 seconds. The sonication and stirring were repeated six times. The concentrations of MitoCEHC (8) in the collected samples were simultaneously measured against a six-point concentration standard curve (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 mg/ml) using LC/MS [47]. Samples (mitochondrial fraction and plasma) and standard controls were then analyzed on the LC/MS, University of Utah Department of Chemistry. The analysis was performed by MassLynx Mass Spectrometry software (Waters Corp, Milford, MA).Results and DiscussionEven though mitochondria are the primary source of cellular energy, they are also the major source of ROS [48]. Therefore mitochondrial dysfunction has been under investigation more than any other organelle due to their vulnerability to oxidative damageCell Culture and ROS MeasurementBovine Aortic Endothelial Cells (BAECs, Cambrex BioScience, Walkersville, MD) were grown as monolayers in DMEMSynthesis of Mitochondrially Targeted Alpha-CEHCFigure 1. Solid phase synthesis of MitoCEHC (8). Reagents and conditions: a) 20 piperidine, DMF. b) Fmoc-Lys[Mtt]-OH, HBTU, HOBt, DIPEA, DMF. c) 20 piperidine, DMF. d) (3-carboxyproppyl)TPP+, HBTU, HOBt, DIPEA, DMF. e) 94 DCM, 5 Tis, 1 TFA. f) a-CEHC, HBTU, HOBt, DIPEA, DMF. g) 95 TFA, 2.5 water, 2.5 Tis. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053272.gand their contribution to apoptosis [49]. As a result of limited therapeutic accumulation within mitochondria [29,30,50], targeting the mitochondria with antioxidants or therapeutics has been a major interest especially for cardiovascular disease and cancer [14,51]. Small molecules can permeate through the mitochondrial outer membrane but fail to cross the inner membrane. Taking advantage of the high inner membrane potential gradient, lipophilic cations can easily accumulate within the mitochondria as well as permeate the phospholipid bilayers [29]. Vitamin E conjugated to TPP+ can accumulate into the mitochondria, whereit decreases ROS more effectively than vitamin E alone [31,52], and is able to ameliorate oxidative stress-mediated disease [15,16]. While conjugating vitamin E to TPP+ has been previously described [53], our goal was to conjugate the vitamin E metabolite, a-CEHC, to TPP+ and to design a fast and efficient synthetic method using a lysine linker and solid phase synthesis. This method does not require isolation of synthetic intermediates, while reagents and by-products are washed away after each step. In addition, similar to trolox, a-CEHC contains the a-tocopherol ring structure but have a truncated side chain with one carbonSynthesis of Mitochondrially Targeted Alpha-CEHClonger than trolox [38]. The chroman ring of vitamin E becomes redox active at the mitochondria, where it forms semiquinone after detoxifying a free radical via hydrogen donation. The semiquinone is further reduced by intramitochondrial ascorbic acid or by electron donation [54]. The chroman ring is still intact in aCEHC when conjugated to TPP+. A lysine linker with two protect.