Ds of death {3:122z1:117| MBRS scorez0:04|APACHE III scoreSeverity of illness scoring systemsWe have listed the results of goodness-of-fit as measured by the Hosmer-Lemeshow x2 statistic denoting the predicted mortality risk, the predictive accuracy of the Child-Pugh points, MBRS, MELD, APACHE II, III, and SOFA scores in table 4. The comparison between discriminatory values of the 7 scoring systems has also been included in table 4. The AUROC analysis showed that the MBRS score has the best discriminatory power. The discriminatory powers of the RIFLE classification, Child-Pugh and the APACHE II scores were significantly lower than that of the MBRS score. We examined the correlation between the scores determined by the Child-Pugh points, MBRS, MELD, APACHE II, III, and SOFA systems. The correlations between the scoring systems used on the first day of admission of the patients to the ICU have been listed in table 5. The MBRS score showed positive correlations with other scores in terms of the likelihood of in-hospital mortality (r.0.25, p,0.01) (Table 5). To assess the validity of the applied scoring methods, the sensitivity, specificity, and overall correctness of the prediction at selected cut-off points that provided the best Youden index wereanalyzed, and this data is listed in table 6. The MBRS score had the best Youden index and the highest overall correctness of prediction. The patient number and the in-hospital mortality rate calculated as per the stratification data of the MBRS scores has 1662274 been listed in table 7. The in-hospital mortality rate was 8 , 26 , 72 , 93 , and 97 for MBRS scores of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively (x2 for trend, p,0.001). A SMER28 biological activity progressive and significant increase in the mortality rate was observed to correlate with the increasing MBRS scores of the patients. With reference to an MBRS score of 0, the odds ratios for different MBRS scores were as follows: odds ratio for MBRS score of 1 = 3.85; odds ratio for MBRS score of 2 = 28.286; odds ratio for MBRS score of 3 = 147.74; and odds ratio for MBRS score of 4 = 308. Cumulative survival rates differed significantly (p,0.05) for patients with MBRS score of 0 and patients with MBRS scores of 1, 2, 3, and 4. The comparisons between patients with MBRS score of 1 and those with MBRS scores of 2, 3, and 4 and between patients with MBRS score of 2 and those with MBRS scores of 3, and 4 has been depicted in Figure 1.DiscussionIn this study, the overall in-hospital mortality rate was 73.2 , which is consistent with the findings of previous reports and suggests that cirrhotic patients with AKI admitted to an ICU have an extremely poor prognosis [11,24,25]. This investigation showed that MBRS and APACHE III scores determined on the first day ofNew Score in Cirrhosis with AKITable 4. Tunicamycin biological activity Calibration and discrimination for the scoring methods in predicting hospital mortality.Calibration Goodness-of-fit (x )Discrimination dfpAUROC E95 CIpRIFLE-R (n = 68)MBRS SOFA MELD 3.349 5.969 7.658 3 8 8 0.341 0.651 0.468 0.81060.077 0.67360.089 0.62160.100 0.660?.961 0.498?.848 0.424?.817 0.001 0.074 0.RIFLE-I (n = 33)MBRS SOFA MELD 0.466 2.234 3.504 3 8 6 0.926 0.973 0.743 0.87360.103 0.84560.099 0.76460.123 0.670?.000 0.650?.000 0.522?.000 0.020 0.031 0.RIFLE-F (n = 89)MBRS SOFA MELD 1.193 2.939 4.880 2 8 8 0.551 0.938 0.770 0.93360.031 0.91160.042 0.85160.061 0.872?.994 0.828?.994 0.732?.970 ,0.001 ,0.001 ,0.Overall (n = 190)MBRS SOFA MELD Child-Pugh points APACHE II APACHE III RIFLE 1.Ds of death {3:122z1:117| MBRS scorez0:04|APACHE III scoreSeverity of illness scoring systemsWe have listed the results of goodness-of-fit as measured by the Hosmer-Lemeshow x2 statistic denoting the predicted mortality risk, the predictive accuracy of the Child-Pugh points, MBRS, MELD, APACHE II, III, and SOFA scores in table 4. The comparison between discriminatory values of the 7 scoring systems has also been included in table 4. The AUROC analysis showed that the MBRS score has the best discriminatory power. The discriminatory powers of the RIFLE classification, Child-Pugh and the APACHE II scores were significantly lower than that of the MBRS score. We examined the correlation between the scores determined by the Child-Pugh points, MBRS, MELD, APACHE II, III, and SOFA systems. The correlations between the scoring systems used on the first day of admission of the patients to the ICU have been listed in table 5. The MBRS score showed positive correlations with other scores in terms of the likelihood of in-hospital mortality (r.0.25, p,0.01) (Table 5). To assess the validity of the applied scoring methods, the sensitivity, specificity, and overall correctness of the prediction at selected cut-off points that provided the best Youden index wereanalyzed, and this data is listed in table 6. The MBRS score had the best Youden index and the highest overall correctness of prediction. The patient number and the in-hospital mortality rate calculated as per the stratification data of the MBRS scores has 1662274 been listed in table 7. The in-hospital mortality rate was 8 , 26 , 72 , 93 , and 97 for MBRS scores of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively (x2 for trend, p,0.001). A progressive and significant increase in the mortality rate was observed to correlate with the increasing MBRS scores of the patients. With reference to an MBRS score of 0, the odds ratios for different MBRS scores were as follows: odds ratio for MBRS score of 1 = 3.85; odds ratio for MBRS score of 2 = 28.286; odds ratio for MBRS score of 3 = 147.74; and odds ratio for MBRS score of 4 = 308. Cumulative survival rates differed significantly (p,0.05) for patients with MBRS score of 0 and patients with MBRS scores of 1, 2, 3, and 4. The comparisons between patients with MBRS score of 1 and those with MBRS scores of 2, 3, and 4 and between patients with MBRS score of 2 and those with MBRS scores of 3, and 4 has been depicted in Figure 1.DiscussionIn this study, the overall in-hospital mortality rate was 73.2 , which is consistent with the findings of previous reports and suggests that cirrhotic patients with AKI admitted to an ICU have an extremely poor prognosis [11,24,25]. This investigation showed that MBRS and APACHE III scores determined on the first day ofNew Score in Cirrhosis with AKITable 4. Calibration and discrimination for the scoring methods in predicting hospital mortality.Calibration Goodness-of-fit (x )Discrimination dfpAUROC E95 CIpRIFLE-R (n = 68)MBRS SOFA MELD 3.349 5.969 7.658 3 8 8 0.341 0.651 0.468 0.81060.077 0.67360.089 0.62160.100 0.660?.961 0.498?.848 0.424?.817 0.001 0.074 0.RIFLE-I (n = 33)MBRS SOFA MELD 0.466 2.234 3.504 3 8 6 0.926 0.973 0.743 0.87360.103 0.84560.099 0.76460.123 0.670?.000 0.650?.000 0.522?.000 0.020 0.031 0.RIFLE-F (n = 89)MBRS SOFA MELD 1.193 2.939 4.880 2 8 8 0.551 0.938 0.770 0.93360.031 0.91160.042 0.85160.061 0.872?.994 0.828?.994 0.732?.970 ,0.001 ,0.001 ,0.Overall (n = 190)MBRS SOFA MELD Child-Pugh points APACHE II APACHE III RIFLE 1.