To 1.6 A resolution and analyzed the conserved and polymorphic FimP and FimA amino acid variations among clinical isolates.Table 1. Data collection, refinement and model TA 02 quality statistics for FimP.Native FimP Data collection Space group Cell dimensions a, b, c ?(A) ?Wavelength (A) ?Resolution (A) P21212 77.24, 176.59, 40.12 0.9334 46.82?.6 1.69?.6 382619 (27906) 71266 (9922) 21.4 (5.8)a, bSeMet FimP-3MP21212 76.27, 168.13, 39.76 0.97918 45.16?.0 2.11?.0 220706 (6864) 35477 (1257) 29.9 (15.7) 4.0 (9.2) 99.8 (99.4) 6.2 (6.3)Results and Discussion Structure DeterminationA construct comprising residues 31?91 of FimP (FimP31?91) from A. oris strain T14V was expressed in E. coli, purified and crystallized. The N-terminal signal peptide, the C-terminal transmembrane helix and the cell-wall anchoring motif LPLTG were not included in the construct (Fig. 1). Phases were experimentally determined using single wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) of a selenomethionine (SeMet) labeled triple mutant, FimP-3M, in which three isoleucines (Ile-121, Ile-204 and Ile-347) were exchanged for methionines [31]. SAD data were ?collected to 2.0 A resolution and an initial model was built. The ?model was further refined against a native data set to 1.6 A. The asymmetric unit contains one molecule of FimP31?91. The final ?model is well ordered with an overall B-factor of 18.7 A2 (Table 1). The refined model comprises residues 35?90. No or weak electron density was observed for the loop residues 57?3 and 70?72. In addition, four metal ions and 833 water molecules were included.Highest resolution shell ?(A) Total KS 176 supplier reflectionsa Unique reflectionsa I/s (I)a Rsym( ) Completeness ( )a Overall redundancy Refinement5.9 (16.1) 97.5 (95.1) 5.4 (2.8)No. reflections in working 67601 set No. reflections in test set 3593 Rwork/Rfree ( )c ?Average B-factors (A2) Wilson plot Protein Water Metal ions 20.4 18.7 30.3 22.1 3419 4 833 16.93/19.Overall Structure of FimP?FimP is an elongated protein, approximately 105 A long and ?35 A wide, folded into three IgG-like domains: the N-terminal (N), middle (M) and C-terminal (C) domains (Fig. 2). The IgG-folds are of the CnaA- (M-domain) or the CnaB- (the N- and C-terminal domains) types. These IgG-like folds are extensively found in cell surface adhesins [32]. The M-domain (187?55) and the Cdomain (356?90) are rigidly connected in line via a shared strand whereas the N-domain (35?86) and M-domain are connected via a hinge. The mobility of the hinge is reflected by the slight alternation in N-domain position, observed when comparing the native structure and the SeMet-labeled FimP-3M structures. The difference in N-domain rotation is also reflected by the difference in unit cell dimensions, where the b-axis is approximately 5 shorter in the SeMet structure than in the native structure. The shift in the N-domain positions may be caused by one of the introduced (seleno)methionines, I347M. Residue 347 is located at the interface between the domains and a change from isoleucine toNo. protein atoms No. metal ions No. water molecules RMSD from ideal ?Bond lengths (A) Bond angles (u) Ramachandran plot Preferred, allowed, outliers ( )a0.12 1.95.9/3.2/0.Values in parentheses indicate statistics for the highest resolution shell. Rsym = Shkl Si |Ii(hkl)2,I(hkl).|/Shkl Si Ii (hkl), where Ii(hkl) is the intensity of the ith observation of reflection hkl and ,I(hkl). is the average over of all observations of reflection hkl. c Rwork = S | |Fobs|2| Fcal.To 1.6 A resolution and analyzed the conserved and polymorphic FimP and FimA amino acid variations among clinical isolates.Table 1. Data collection, refinement and model quality statistics for FimP.Native FimP Data collection Space group Cell dimensions a, b, c ?(A) ?Wavelength (A) ?Resolution (A) P21212 77.24, 176.59, 40.12 0.9334 46.82?.6 1.69?.6 382619 (27906) 71266 (9922) 21.4 (5.8)a, bSeMet FimP-3MP21212 76.27, 168.13, 39.76 0.97918 45.16?.0 2.11?.0 220706 (6864) 35477 (1257) 29.9 (15.7) 4.0 (9.2) 99.8 (99.4) 6.2 (6.3)Results and Discussion Structure DeterminationA construct comprising residues 31?91 of FimP (FimP31?91) from A. oris strain T14V was expressed in E. coli, purified and crystallized. The N-terminal signal peptide, the C-terminal transmembrane helix and the cell-wall anchoring motif LPLTG were not included in the construct (Fig. 1). Phases were experimentally determined using single wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) of a selenomethionine (SeMet) labeled triple mutant, FimP-3M, in which three isoleucines (Ile-121, Ile-204 and Ile-347) were exchanged for methionines [31]. SAD data were ?collected to 2.0 A resolution and an initial model was built. The ?model was further refined against a native data set to 1.6 A. The asymmetric unit contains one molecule of FimP31?91. The final ?model is well ordered with an overall B-factor of 18.7 A2 (Table 1). The refined model comprises residues 35?90. No or weak electron density was observed for the loop residues 57?3 and 70?72. In addition, four metal ions and 833 water molecules were included.Highest resolution shell ?(A) Total reflectionsa Unique reflectionsa I/s (I)a Rsym( ) Completeness ( )a Overall redundancy Refinement5.9 (16.1) 97.5 (95.1) 5.4 (2.8)No. reflections in working 67601 set No. reflections in test set 3593 Rwork/Rfree ( )c ?Average B-factors (A2) Wilson plot Protein Water Metal ions 20.4 18.7 30.3 22.1 3419 4 833 16.93/19.Overall Structure of FimP?FimP is an elongated protein, approximately 105 A long and ?35 A wide, folded into three IgG-like domains: the N-terminal (N), middle (M) and C-terminal (C) domains (Fig. 2). The IgG-folds are of the CnaA- (M-domain) or the CnaB- (the N- and C-terminal domains) types. These IgG-like folds are extensively found in cell surface adhesins [32]. The M-domain (187?55) and the Cdomain (356?90) are rigidly connected in line via a shared strand whereas the N-domain (35?86) and M-domain are connected via a hinge. The mobility of the hinge is reflected by the slight alternation in N-domain position, observed when comparing the native structure and the SeMet-labeled FimP-3M structures. The difference in N-domain rotation is also reflected by the difference in unit cell dimensions, where the b-axis is approximately 5 shorter in the SeMet structure than in the native structure. The shift in the N-domain positions may be caused by one of the introduced (seleno)methionines, I347M. Residue 347 is located at the interface between the domains and a change from isoleucine toNo. protein atoms No. metal ions No. water molecules RMSD from ideal ?Bond lengths (A) Bond angles (u) Ramachandran plot Preferred, allowed, outliers ( )a0.12 1.95.9/3.2/0.Values in parentheses indicate statistics for the highest resolution shell. Rsym = Shkl Si |Ii(hkl)2,I(hkl).|/Shkl Si Ii (hkl), where Ii(hkl) is the intensity of the ith observation of reflection hkl and ,I(hkl). is the average over of all observations of reflection hkl. c Rwork = S | |Fobs|2| Fcal.