Ase was calculated as LDH release in media/(LDH release in media + intracellular LDH release) 6 100.performed by using ,30 mg of protein. Samples were electrophoresed on 8-12 SDS-PAGE, proteins were transferred to PVDF membrane (Millipore, USA) and probed with respective primary and secondary antibodies. The primary antibodies against MCL-1, BCL-xL, BAX, BID, p53, MDM2, p73, PARP1, SMAC/ DIABLO, CYTOCHROME C, APAF1, CASPASE 3 and CASPASE 9 were used. Anti-TUBULIN and anti-ACTIN were used as the loading control. The blots were developed using chemiluminescent reagent (ImmobilonTM western, Millipore, India) and scanned using gel documentation system (LAS 3000, FUJI, JAPAN). Western blotting studies were also performed using cytosolic extracts inhibitor prepared following treatment with MESB. T47D cells were treated with MESB for 48 h (0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.7 mg/ml). Cytosolic fractions were separated using Autophagy mitochondrial extraction kit (IMGENEX, Cat.No. 10082k), western blotting was performed using anti-CYTOCHROME C and anti-SMAC/DIABLO.Animals and Ethics Statement Western Blot AnalysisCell lysate was prepared following treatment with MESB on T47D cells (0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.7 mg/ml for 48 h) as described and used for western blotting [24]. Western blotting experiments wereMice were maintained as per the principles and guidelines of the ethical committee for animal care of Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in accordance with Indian National Law on animal care and use. The experimental design of the present study was approved byCancer Therapeutic Effects of StrawberryFigure 3. Gross appearance of mice and its organs following MESB treatment. Gross appearance of mice and its selected organs following treatment with MESB on tumor bearing mice 1317923 after 30th (A) and 45th (B) days of tumor development. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047021.gInstitutional animal ethics committee (Ref. CAF/Ethics/125/ 2007/560), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Swiss albino mice, 6? weeks old weighing approximately 18?22 g were purchased from central animal facility, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India and maintained in the animal house, Department of Biochemistry, IISc. The animals were housed in polypropylene cages and provided standard pellet diet (Agro Corporation Pvt. Ltd., India) and water ad libitum. The standard pellet diet composed of 21 protein, 5 lipids, 4 crude fiber, 8 ash, 1 calcium, 0.6 phosphorus, 3.4 glucose, 2 vitamin and 55 nitrogen-free extract (carbohydrates). The mice were maintained under controlled temperature and humidity with a 12 h light/dark cycle.(16106 cells/22 g b. wt) were implanted into the peritoneal cavity of each donor mouse and 1531364 allowed to multiply. The tumor cells were withdrawn, diluted in saline, counted and Epigenetic Reader Domain re-injected (16106 cells/animal) to the right thigh of experimental animal for development of solid tumor as described [25].Evaluation of Antitumor Activity of MESB in MouseIn each experiment, out of 30 Swiss albino mice, 20 were injected with Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells for developing the solid tumor. Group 1 served as untreated (normal) control (n = 10). EAC injected animals were divided into 2 inhibitor groups of 10 animals each. Group 2 was considered as tumor control and received no treatment. Group 3 received oral feeding of 2 g/kg of MESB dissolved in water after 12 days of tumor development and continued up to 45 days. The experiment was repeated 3 independent times. Size of the developing tumor was measured in both.Ase was calculated as LDH release in media/(LDH release in media + intracellular LDH release) 6 100.performed by using ,30 mg of protein. Samples were electrophoresed on 8-12 SDS-PAGE, proteins were transferred to PVDF membrane (Millipore, USA) and probed with respective primary and secondary antibodies. The primary antibodies against MCL-1, BCL-xL, BAX, BID, p53, MDM2, p73, PARP1, SMAC/ DIABLO, CYTOCHROME C, APAF1, CASPASE 3 and CASPASE 9 were used. Anti-TUBULIN and anti-ACTIN were used as the loading control. The blots were developed using chemiluminescent reagent (ImmobilonTM western, Millipore, India) and scanned using gel documentation system (LAS 3000, FUJI, JAPAN). Western blotting studies were also performed using cytosolic extracts prepared following treatment with MESB. T47D cells were treated with MESB for 48 h (0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.7 mg/ml). Cytosolic fractions were separated using mitochondrial extraction kit (IMGENEX, Cat.No. 10082k), western blotting was performed using anti-CYTOCHROME C and anti-SMAC/DIABLO.Animals and Ethics Statement Western Blot AnalysisCell lysate was prepared following treatment with MESB on T47D cells (0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.7 mg/ml for 48 h) as described and used for western blotting [24]. Western blotting experiments wereMice were maintained as per the principles and guidelines of the ethical committee for animal care of Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in accordance with Indian National Law on animal care and use. The experimental design of the present study was approved byCancer Therapeutic Effects of StrawberryFigure 3. Gross appearance of mice and its organs following MESB treatment. Gross appearance of mice and its selected organs following treatment with MESB on tumor bearing mice 1317923 after 30th (A) and 45th (B) days of tumor development. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047021.gInstitutional animal ethics committee (Ref. CAF/Ethics/125/ 2007/560), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Swiss albino mice, 6? weeks old weighing approximately 18?22 g were purchased from central animal facility, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India and maintained in the animal house, Department of Biochemistry, IISc. The animals were housed in polypropylene cages and provided standard pellet diet (Agro Corporation Pvt. Ltd., India) and water ad libitum. The standard pellet diet composed of 21 protein, 5 lipids, 4 crude fiber, 8 ash, 1 calcium, 0.6 phosphorus, 3.4 glucose, 2 vitamin and 55 nitrogen-free extract (carbohydrates). The mice were maintained under controlled temperature and humidity with a 12 h light/dark cycle.(16106 cells/22 g b. wt) were implanted into the peritoneal cavity of each donor mouse and 1531364 allowed to multiply. The tumor cells were withdrawn, diluted in saline, counted and re-injected (16106 cells/animal) to the right thigh of experimental animal for development of solid tumor as described [25].Evaluation of Antitumor Activity of MESB in MouseIn each experiment, out of 30 Swiss albino mice, 20 were injected with Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells for developing the solid tumor. Group 1 served as untreated (normal) control (n = 10). EAC injected animals were divided into 2 groups of 10 animals each. Group 2 was considered as tumor control and received no treatment. Group 3 received oral feeding of 2 g/kg of MESB dissolved in water after 12 days of tumor development and continued up to 45 days. The experiment was repeated 3 independent times. Size of the developing tumor was measured in both.Ase was calculated as LDH release in media/(LDH release in media + intracellular LDH release) 6 100.performed by using ,30 mg of protein. Samples were electrophoresed on 8-12 SDS-PAGE, proteins were transferred to PVDF membrane (Millipore, USA) and probed with respective primary and secondary antibodies. The primary antibodies against MCL-1, BCL-xL, BAX, BID, p53, MDM2, p73, PARP1, SMAC/ DIABLO, CYTOCHROME C, APAF1, CASPASE 3 and CASPASE 9 were used. Anti-TUBULIN and anti-ACTIN were used as the loading control. The blots were developed using chemiluminescent reagent (ImmobilonTM western, Millipore, India) and scanned using gel documentation system (LAS 3000, FUJI, JAPAN). Western blotting studies were also performed using cytosolic extracts prepared following treatment with MESB. T47D cells were treated with MESB for 48 h (0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.7 mg/ml). Cytosolic fractions were separated using mitochondrial extraction kit (IMGENEX, Cat.No. 10082k), western blotting was performed using anti-CYTOCHROME C and anti-SMAC/DIABLO.Animals and Ethics Statement Western Blot AnalysisCell lysate was prepared following treatment with MESB on T47D cells (0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.7 mg/ml for 48 h) as described and used for western blotting [24]. Western blotting experiments wereMice were maintained as per the principles and guidelines of the ethical committee for animal care of Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in accordance with Indian National Law on animal care and use. The experimental design of the present study was approved byCancer Therapeutic Effects of StrawberryFigure 3. Gross appearance of mice and its organs following MESB treatment. Gross appearance of mice and its selected organs following treatment with MESB on tumor bearing mice 1317923 after 30th (A) and 45th (B) days of tumor development. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047021.gInstitutional animal ethics committee (Ref. CAF/Ethics/125/ 2007/560), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Swiss albino mice, 6? weeks old weighing approximately 18?22 g were purchased from central animal facility, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India and maintained in the animal house, Department of Biochemistry, IISc. The animals were housed in polypropylene cages and provided standard pellet diet (Agro Corporation Pvt. Ltd., India) and water ad libitum. The standard pellet diet composed of 21 protein, 5 lipids, 4 crude fiber, 8 ash, 1 calcium, 0.6 phosphorus, 3.4 glucose, 2 vitamin and 55 nitrogen-free extract (carbohydrates). The mice were maintained under controlled temperature and humidity with a 12 h light/dark cycle.(16106 cells/22 g b. wt) were implanted into the peritoneal cavity of each donor mouse and 1531364 allowed to multiply. The tumor cells were withdrawn, diluted in saline, counted and re-injected (16106 cells/animal) to the right thigh of experimental animal for development of solid tumor as described [25].Evaluation of Antitumor Activity of MESB in MouseIn each experiment, out of 30 Swiss albino mice, 20 were injected with Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells for developing the solid tumor. Group 1 served as untreated (normal) control (n = 10). EAC injected animals were divided into 2 groups of 10 animals each. Group 2 was considered as tumor control and received no treatment. Group 3 received oral feeding of 2 g/kg of MESB dissolved in water after 12 days of tumor development and continued up to 45 days. The experiment was repeated 3 independent times. Size of the developing tumor was measured in both.Ase was calculated as LDH release in media/(LDH release in media + intracellular LDH release) 6 100.performed by using ,30 mg of protein. Samples were electrophoresed on 8-12 SDS-PAGE, proteins were transferred to PVDF membrane (Millipore, USA) and probed with respective primary and secondary antibodies. The primary antibodies against MCL-1, BCL-xL, BAX, BID, p53, MDM2, p73, PARP1, SMAC/ DIABLO, CYTOCHROME C, APAF1, CASPASE 3 and CASPASE 9 were used. Anti-TUBULIN and anti-ACTIN were used as the loading control. The blots were developed using chemiluminescent reagent (ImmobilonTM western, Millipore, India) and scanned using gel documentation system (LAS 3000, FUJI, JAPAN). Western blotting studies were also performed using cytosolic extracts prepared following treatment with MESB. T47D cells were treated with MESB for 48 h (0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.7 mg/ml). Cytosolic fractions were separated using mitochondrial extraction kit (IMGENEX, Cat.No. 10082k), western blotting was performed using anti-CYTOCHROME C and anti-SMAC/DIABLO.Animals and Ethics Statement Western Blot AnalysisCell lysate was prepared following treatment with MESB on T47D cells (0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.7 mg/ml for 48 h) as described and used for western blotting [24]. Western blotting experiments wereMice were maintained as per the principles and guidelines of the ethical committee for animal care of Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in accordance with Indian National Law on animal care and use. The experimental design of the present study was approved byCancer Therapeutic Effects of StrawberryFigure 3. Gross appearance of mice and its organs following MESB treatment. Gross appearance of mice and its selected organs following treatment with MESB on tumor bearing mice 1317923 after 30th (A) and 45th (B) days of tumor development. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047021.gInstitutional animal ethics committee (Ref. CAF/Ethics/125/ 2007/560), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Swiss albino mice, 6? weeks old weighing approximately 18?22 g were purchased from central animal facility, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India and maintained in the animal house, Department of Biochemistry, IISc. The animals were housed in polypropylene cages and provided standard pellet diet (Agro Corporation Pvt. Ltd., India) and water ad libitum. The standard pellet diet composed of 21 protein, 5 lipids, 4 crude fiber, 8 ash, 1 calcium, 0.6 phosphorus, 3.4 glucose, 2 vitamin and 55 nitrogen-free extract (carbohydrates). The mice were maintained under controlled temperature and humidity with a 12 h light/dark cycle.(16106 cells/22 g b. wt) were implanted into the peritoneal cavity of each donor mouse and 1531364 allowed to multiply. The tumor cells were withdrawn, diluted in saline, counted and re-injected (16106 cells/animal) to the right thigh of experimental animal for development of solid tumor as described [25].Evaluation of Antitumor Activity of MESB in MouseIn each experiment, out of 30 Swiss albino mice, 20 were injected with Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells for developing the solid tumor. Group 1 served as untreated (normal) control (n = 10). EAC injected animals were divided into 2 groups of 10 animals each. Group 2 was considered as tumor control and received no treatment. Group 3 received oral feeding of 2 g/kg of MESB dissolved in water after 12 days of tumor development and continued up to 45 days. The experiment was repeated 3 independent times. Size of the developing tumor was measured in both.