Memory Th1 repertoire.Persisting bim2/2 SMARTA “Memory” Cells are Functionally DefectiveThe ability to produce multiple cytokines (i.e. TNFa and IL-2) and high levels of IFNc have been correlated with the quality of the CD4+ T cell memory pool and enhanced protective function [30,31]. Our prior studies found that SMARTA effector cells generated following Pentagastrin web Lm-gp61 infection demonstrated poor function as measured by the frequency of responders able to produce IFNc, IL-2 and TNFa simultaneously upon restimulation and the amount of cytokine produced on a per cell basis [14]. We therefore determined whether Bim-deficiency could rescue effector function along with the survival of SMARTA cells following Lm-gp61 infection. Despite their enhanced survival, bim2/2 SMARTA cells demonstrated consistently poor functionality throughout the effector and memory phases following Lm-gp61 infection, largely solely producing IFNc (Fig. 3A and C). At effector time points following Lm-gp61 infection, both WT and bim2/2 SMARTA cells were Calcitonin (salmon) web capable of making IFNc upon restimulation (Fig. 3A). Similarly, in the early stages of the contraction phase, while wildtype SMARTA cells were still detectable (up to day 15), both WT and bim2/2 SMARTA cells produced IFNc upon restimulation (data not shown). However, at all time points tested they produced much 16985061 less on a per cell basis than did the polyclonal endogenous responders to the same epitope (Fig. 3B, data notBim Shapes the Functional CD4+ Memory PoolFigure 1. Bim expression is up-regulated in Lm-gp61-induced SMARTA effector Th1 cells. We transferred 16104 CD44lo SMARTA cells ?(Thy1.1+) into naive B6 hosts and infected with Lm-gp61, LCMV or Vac-GP on day later. A, Representative flow plots indicate the frequency of SMARTA cells in the spleen at days 5, 7 and 12 post-infection. B, Representative histograms indicate expression of Bim or Bcl-2 by SMARTA cells following infection with LCMV (solid line), Vac-GP (dashed line) or Lm-gp61 (dark gray fill) as compared to isotype controls (light gray fill) at the indicated time points post-infection. C, Bar graph displays the fold shift in Bim or Bcl-2 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) as compared to 23148522 isotype controls in SMARTA ?cells from naive mice or at each time point post-infection. Plots represent 3? mice/group and results are representative of two independent experiments. Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean (SEM). p values for statistically significant differences were calculated by a two-tailed Student’s T test. **p#0.01, *p#0.05. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0067363.gshown). Furthermore, surviving bim2/2 SMARTA memory cells were poor producers of multiple cytokines (IFNc, IL-2, TNFa) (Fig. 3C). Others and we have reported that both SMARTA and polyclonal effector Th1 cells acquire higher functional avidity (sensitivity to antigenic stimulation leading to a functional response, i.e. IFNc production) throughout the primary response and as they transition into the memory pool [14,32]. Similar to what we have previously reported for WT SMARTA cells [14], at the peak of the effector response bim2/2 SMARTA memory cells possessed a functional avidity lower than the polyclonal endogenous CD4+ response to the same epitope (Fig. 3D). Because the formation of highly functional, long-lived memory populations corresponds to the emergence of high functional avidity memory cells, we directly compared the functional avidity of effector (d7) and memory (d32) SMARTA Th1 cell.Memory Th1 repertoire.Persisting bim2/2 SMARTA “Memory” Cells are Functionally DefectiveThe ability to produce multiple cytokines (i.e. TNFa and IL-2) and high levels of IFNc have been correlated with the quality of the CD4+ T cell memory pool and enhanced protective function [30,31]. Our prior studies found that SMARTA effector cells generated following Lm-gp61 infection demonstrated poor function as measured by the frequency of responders able to produce IFNc, IL-2 and TNFa simultaneously upon restimulation and the amount of cytokine produced on a per cell basis [14]. We therefore determined whether Bim-deficiency could rescue effector function along with the survival of SMARTA cells following Lm-gp61 infection. Despite their enhanced survival, bim2/2 SMARTA cells demonstrated consistently poor functionality throughout the effector and memory phases following Lm-gp61 infection, largely solely producing IFNc (Fig. 3A and C). At effector time points following Lm-gp61 infection, both WT and bim2/2 SMARTA cells were capable of making IFNc upon restimulation (Fig. 3A). Similarly, in the early stages of the contraction phase, while wildtype SMARTA cells were still detectable (up to day 15), both WT and bim2/2 SMARTA cells produced IFNc upon restimulation (data not shown). However, at all time points tested they produced much 16985061 less on a per cell basis than did the polyclonal endogenous responders to the same epitope (Fig. 3B, data notBim Shapes the Functional CD4+ Memory PoolFigure 1. Bim expression is up-regulated in Lm-gp61-induced SMARTA effector Th1 cells. We transferred 16104 CD44lo SMARTA cells ?(Thy1.1+) into naive B6 hosts and infected with Lm-gp61, LCMV or Vac-GP on day later. A, Representative flow plots indicate the frequency of SMARTA cells in the spleen at days 5, 7 and 12 post-infection. B, Representative histograms indicate expression of Bim or Bcl-2 by SMARTA cells following infection with LCMV (solid line), Vac-GP (dashed line) or Lm-gp61 (dark gray fill) as compared to isotype controls (light gray fill) at the indicated time points post-infection. C, Bar graph displays the fold shift in Bim or Bcl-2 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) as compared to 23148522 isotype controls in SMARTA ?cells from naive mice or at each time point post-infection. Plots represent 3? mice/group and results are representative of two independent experiments. Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean (SEM). p values for statistically significant differences were calculated by a two-tailed Student’s T test. **p#0.01, *p#0.05. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0067363.gshown). Furthermore, surviving bim2/2 SMARTA memory cells were poor producers of multiple cytokines (IFNc, IL-2, TNFa) (Fig. 3C). Others and we have reported that both SMARTA and polyclonal effector Th1 cells acquire higher functional avidity (sensitivity to antigenic stimulation leading to a functional response, i.e. IFNc production) throughout the primary response and as they transition into the memory pool [14,32]. Similar to what we have previously reported for WT SMARTA cells [14], at the peak of the effector response bim2/2 SMARTA memory cells possessed a functional avidity lower than the polyclonal endogenous CD4+ response to the same epitope (Fig. 3D). Because the formation of highly functional, long-lived memory populations corresponds to the emergence of high functional avidity memory cells, we directly compared the functional avidity of effector (d7) and memory (d32) SMARTA Th1 cell.